A Series of Misadventures
Meet The Dumpster Fire
Hi, my name is Jessi and I’m an addict.
Oh shit, we’re not in a narcotics anonymous meeting.
Sorry about that. Let’s try this again.
Hi, my name is Jessi.
I’m 30-something years old.
I like my men dressed in black with chains and tattoos and my women in doc martens and fishnets telling me to get on my knees.
You will earn my heart by making me laugh about my trauma and giving me a small bag of mini pepperoni.
I was never taught how to be a functioning human being by the people who were supposed to teach me.
Motherhood came as a surprise but it’s been one of the most important things that have happened. Learning how to softly and gently say "cut the shit" has been a great asset to my life.
Clean but not sober is how I tell people I used to do heroin but I still smoke weed. I give y’all credit if you go through life raw-dogging reality. I tried it once, not my thing.
I self-identify as Evan Kelmp and have never felt more seen than The JunkMother. (My Dimension20 baddies will understand)
My last breath I would gladly give if it meant your right to be exactly who you are and love whom you love was no longer a political war topic. Not only would my last breath be for you, but I would also physically take down anyone who would try to take those rights from you. Though funnily enough I can’t tell the waiter my food isn’t good, phone calls give me crippling anxiety, and I can’t ask a store employee for help.
I am a dumpster fire filled with dualities and contradictions, I am just as confused as you are.
Hopefully, I can help you giggle or at the very least give you a break from your life for a few minutes.